Tag: "workplace"

He said, she said: mastering the changing language of leadership

| July 14, 2012 | Comments (1)
He said, she said: mastering the changing language of leadership

The subtleties of language can easily escape us as we try to digest thousands of words every day, both audibly and on a screen. Yet they unconsciously impact our image, which can help or hinder advancement. In a business environment specifically, there exists a language of leadership that remains more masculine in nature and the expectation persists that women must learn to assume those characteristics in order to get ahead.

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The Broad Experience: Female Entrepreneurs

| July 7, 2012 | Comments (0)

In the fifth segment of the Broad Experience, a show on women, workplace and success, Ashley Milne-Tyte, a regular contributor to Femme-O-Nomics, tries to find out whether the big fuss around female entrepreneurship actually amounts to anything.

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Working women in the UAE most ambitious

| June 25, 2012 | Comments (0)

Accenture, a global management consulting company, has found that working women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are more ambitious than their peers elsewhere in the world.

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The Broad Experience: Getting Ahead

| June 13, 2012 | Comments (0)

In her fourth podcast of the Broad Experience, a show on women, workplace and success, Ashley Milne-Tyte, a regular contributor to Femme-O-Nomics, talks to two successful women about what it takes for women to get to the top. One, Mrs. Moneypenny of the Financial Times, says there is nothing standing in women’s way other than themselves. The other, Joanna Barsh of McKinsey, has a more nuanced view and discusses her latest research about women at work.

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Catalyst, WCM launch guidebook on gender diversity in capital markets

| June 8, 2012 | Comments (0)

Catalyst, a nonprofit organization that expands opportunities for women and business, and Women in Capital Markets (WCM), launch their research-based guidebook entitled Women and Men in Canadian Capital Markets.

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More men migrating to pink collar industries

| June 6, 2012 | Comments (0)
More men migrating to pink collar industries

Women’s sites (like this one!) spend a lot of time congratulating the number of women moving into male-domimated industries. But how about men moving into roles held traditionally by women?

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Is the glass ceiling being held up by SAHW?

| June 4, 2012 | Comments (0)
Is the glass ceiling being held up by SAHW?

There’s a new angle to the glass ceiling conversation and this one puts part of the blame on women — those that choose not to work outside the home to be precise.

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Debunking the myth of meritocracy in business

| June 2, 2012 | Comments (2)
Debunking the myth of meritocracy in business

Although the idea of a meritocracy sounds logical, even reasonable, it unfortunately doesn’t correspond with the realities of the business world. And the notion that women would get further ahead if only they tried harder ignores plenty of research and evidence indicating otherwise.

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Time to start working smarter rather than longer

| May 5, 2012 | Comments (0)
Time to start working smarter rather than longer

Admittedly, many people still live, eat and breathe their job and I’m no stranger to the concept myself. Yet, a shift in thinking appears to be underway, punctuated by the recent media circus that ensued after working mom and COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg admitted that she leaves work at 5:30.

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Compliments that kill career advancement

| April 14, 2012 | Comments (0)
Compliments that kill career advancement

Women and men alike often generalize about skills associated with specific genders but to what degree do these compliments hold women back from real positions of power?

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