Tag: "quotas"

There is a way to get more women on boards, but you won’t like it

| October 22, 2011 | Comments (1)
There is a way to get more women on boards, but you won’t like it

I’m talking about quotas. Dropping the Q-word sends many professionals, men and women alike, back to their corner offices in a huff. Like a bad-tasting medicine, however, the threat of treatment may instigate radical change.
For the record, I believe corporate board appointments should be allocated to qualified individuals only. But if a percentage of those qualified board members were required to be women, wouldn’t that motivate companies to search harder to find suitable candidates or at least groom women for these roles?

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Keep Listening but Start Talking

Whitney Johnson | October 21, 2011 | Comments (2)
Keep Listening but Start Talking

Unless women speak up — and I don’t mean just talk, but get fluent in and remain fluent in a domain of expertise, whether finance, technology, science, fashion, construction, law — the whole idea that women can bring something extra to the table and be game changers won’t happen. To get women talking, here are three suggestions:

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Ann Coulter on conservative women, quotas in Australia

| July 1, 2011 | Comments (0)

In today’s episode, does the media pick on conservative women? Ann Coulter thinks so. And down-under, a debate on workplace quotas.

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Do quotas work?

| July 9, 2010 | Comments (0)
Do quotas work?

Many European countries seek to follow in Norway’s footstep of imposing compulsory quotas for women on boards, according to a story in Spiegel.  Rather than bring on financial ruin, it seems the 40 percent quotas are being hailed as a success and have received widespread approval. I have never felt comfortable about quotas — they [...]

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