Tag: "featured"

Wavemakers: Susan and Sarah Solovay

| August 11, 2012 | Comments (0)
Wavemakers: Susan and Sarah Solovay

Wavemakers is a joint weekly feature by Femme-O-Nomics’ founder Leah Eichler and Mic Berman that profiles female innovators — women who are constantly blazing new trails, inspiring others and revolutionizing the status quo. This week meet singer/song-writer, Sarah Solovay, and her mom, Susan.

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Capitalizing on the rise of “supertemps”

| August 10, 2012 | Comments (4)
Capitalizing on the rise of “supertemps”

As a card-holding member of Generation X, I adopted an early disdain for temporary work, often equating it in my mind with the McJobs popularized in Douglas Coupland quintessential book. But with the changing economic climate – one that waves goodbye to the notion of long-term job security and loyalty – temporary work has gradually become normalized.

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Workplace cultures that fill you with envy

| August 4, 2012 | Comments (0)
Workplace cultures that fill you with envy

Although creating a community atmosphere costs in terms of effort and planning, it remains an important tool to stem attrition rates. Salary alone isn’t always the deciding factor when employees contemplate jumping ship.

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So we’re the richer sex. Now what?

| July 28, 2012 | Comments (0)
So we’re the richer sex. Now what?

Who earns the money in your household? It’s a question we need to start asking more often since buried in this conversation about women’s advancement in the workplace, where we fanatically count the number of women on boards, lives this trend of women increasingly out earning and out educating men.

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More women breadwinners but less confident about financial goals: study

| July 27, 2012 | Comments (0)
More women breadwinners but less confident about financial goals: study

Women have increasingly become the primary breadwinners in their families but they feel less prepared to make financial decisions. This is one key finding in Prudential’s 2012-2013 Research Study on Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women.

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Most breast cancer survivors return to work after treatment

| July 24, 2012 | Comments (0)
Most breast cancer survivors return to work after treatment

A study of Swedish women breast cancer survivors has found that most of them return to work after receiving treatment. Three-fourths of the 505 women surveyed went back to the workforce 16 months after having been diagnosed with the Big C.

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Participation of white men necessary for an inclusive workplace: study

| July 23, 2012 | Comments (0)
Participation of white men necessary for an inclusive workplace: study

Including white men in diversity training makes for a more inclusive workplace, a new study released by Catalyst this July 2012 finds. Find out how including white men transformed the mindset and behaviors of participants in as short as four months.

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Moving past viewing pregnancy as a workplace liability

| July 20, 2012 | Comments (0)
Moving past viewing pregnancy as a workplace liability

In five to 10 years, I want to look back and cite this week as the turning point in the discussion of women and careers, when pregnancy no longer constituted a liability. This vision of the future comes in light of the news that Yahoo’s board of directors appointed Marissa Mayer — a 37-year old Google veteran who happens to be six-months pregnant — the company’s new CEO.

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Bullying is a confidence game

Whitney Johnson | July 18, 2012 | Comments (0)
Bullying is a confidence game

In business, bullies are would-be leaders who, rather than use their talent for assessing strengths and weaknesses in the service of their team and their company, instead look to construct an uncontested fiefdom. There can be a very thin line between a bully and a leader.

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He said, she said: mastering the changing language of leadership

| July 14, 2012 | Comments (1)
He said, she said: mastering the changing language of leadership

The subtleties of language can easily escape us as we try to digest thousands of words every day, both audibly and on a screen. Yet they unconsciously impact our image, which can help or hinder advancement. In a business environment specifically, there exists a language of leadership that remains more masculine in nature and the expectation persists that women must learn to assume those characteristics in order to get ahead.

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