Category: Women@Work

Debunking the myth of meritocracy in business

| June 2, 2012 | Comments (2)
Debunking the myth of meritocracy in business

Although the idea of a meritocracy sounds logical, even reasonable, it unfortunately doesn’t correspond with the realities of the business world. And the notion that women would get further ahead if only they tried harder ignores plenty of research and evidence indicating otherwise.

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Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? Read this first

| May 27, 2012 | Comments (2)
Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? Read this first

The excitement surrounding women launching their own businesses feels contagious, even on paper. But when my last paycheck came in I started to seriously question my sanity. For those considering the professional equivalent of jumping out of a plane, it’s worthwhile to listen to the women who already made the leap.

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How to keep your instinct to “play nice” in check

Deborah Sweeney | May 23, 2012 | Comments (1)
How to keep your instinct to “play nice” in check

Being nice is great when going through school or getting together with friends, but the quality should be used carefully in business, especially when coming from a woman. Here’s how to manage that characteristic.

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Taking the mystery out of corporate board appointments

| May 12, 2012 | Comments (0)
Taking the mystery out of corporate board appointments

To start, simply talking about what women need to attain director roles and asking those who made it up the ranks will better illuminate the process. By lifting the veil on what it takes to rise to the board level, more women may learn to tailor their career choices early on.

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It’s time to move past the “mommy wars”

| April 28, 2012 | Comments (0)
It’s time to move past the “mommy wars”

To ease the transition from domestic to professional work, parents must start coming forward and talking about the skills gleaned at home and how they apply to the workplace. Only then will the role of parenting and “time off” to raise children be viewed as a benefit rather than a black mark on your resume. Corporate employers look favorably on veterans and athletes, so why not stay-at-home mothers?

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Compliments that kill career advancement

| April 14, 2012 | Comments (0)
Compliments that kill career advancement

Women and men alike often generalize about skills associated with specific genders but to what degree do these compliments hold women back from real positions of power?

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Wanted: a few good men to talk about workplace diversity

| April 6, 2012 | Comments (1)
Wanted: a few good men to talk about workplace diversity

Although still in its early days, there appears to be an appetite among some men to enter the conversation about gender in the workplace on their own terms.

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Are more VCs betting on women to make a buck?

| April 1, 2012 | Comments (1)
Are more VCs betting on women to make a buck?

The data surrounding the number of female entrepreneurs who secure venture capital can be depressing. One recent study, conducted by the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire, shows that only 12 percent of startups that pitched to U.S. angel investors during the first two quarters of 2011 were women-led and of those 12 percent, only 26 percent secured funding. But if you count the number of old and new firms, both for and not-for profit that support female-owned enterprises, it tells a different story.

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Women as canaries in the mineshaft

| March 26, 2012 | Comments (1)
Women as canaries in the mineshaft

The career swooning of women, like the canary, may not really be about women but be about more pervasive threats. For every woman who decides to throw in the towel, there are likely more than a few guys lined up behind her, hoping her exit might pave the way for change they will benefit from.

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Yes, women are qualified to sit on boards

| March 9, 2012 | Comments (0)
Yes, women are qualified to sit on boards

The global drum beat of impatience about the lack of female representation on boards seems to be getting louder, which makes me wonder why so little progress has been made, with the exception of countries that legislated quotas.

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