Category: Career Girl

Is the glass ceiling being held up by SAHW?

| June 4, 2012 | Comments (0)
Is the glass ceiling being held up by SAHW?

There’s a new angle to the glass ceiling conversation and this one puts part of the blame on women — those that choose not to work outside the home to be precise.

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The gospel according to Sheryl Sandberg

| May 18, 2012 | Comments (2)
The gospel according to Sheryl Sandberg

Many women, like me, hang on to Sheryl Sandberg’s every word, tweeting her one-liners en masse as soon as they hit media sites and giving her the status of an oracle, or at least business superstar. But if we plan on continuing to claim Ms. Sandberg as our version of the ideal woman, it’s important to explore why her and why now.

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Time to start working smarter rather than longer

| May 5, 2012 | Comments (0)
Time to start working smarter rather than longer

Admittedly, many people still live, eat and breathe their job and I’m no stranger to the concept myself. Yet, a shift in thinking appears to be underway, punctuated by the recent media circus that ensued after working mom and COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg admitted that she leaves work at 5:30.

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Why the desire to control spells professional disaster

Ashley Milne-Tyte | April 24, 2012 | Comments (1)
Why the desire to control spells professional disaster

For women who feel they need to control every aspect of their lives, take solace in the fact that our brains may be wired that way. Yet, learning to buck our biology can pay off dramatically in our professional and social lives.

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Golf anyone? Professionals teach businesswomen how to succeed on the green

| April 9, 2012 | Comments (1)
Golf anyone? Professionals teach businesswomen how to succeed on the green

For business leaders, having a golf club membership is not just about being able to play a game — it’s about having the opportunity to network, make deals and strengthen careers. Critics argue that women miss valuable business opportunities by not being allowed on the green.

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Employee handbooks: version 2.0

Deborah Sweeney | April 8, 2012 | Comments (0)
Employee handbooks: version 2.0

Does your handbook still require women to wear ankle length dresses? Does it give a maximum length that men can have their hair? Well, then probably it’s time for an update.

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Women in alternatives industry ready to take on the board room

| April 2, 2012 | Comments (0)
Women in alternatives industry ready to take on the board room

Senior women in the alternative investments industry have a healthy appetite for corporate board appointments, and they’re well suited for them, according to the results of a recent study conducted by Odgers Berndtson, a global executive search firm.

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Mentor confidence to combat self-deprecation in girls

Deborah Sweeney | March 22, 2012 | Comments (0)
Mentor confidence to combat self-deprecation in girls

It is known by social scientists and parents alike that young girls mature faster than boys, achieve higher reading levels than most boys, and develop intuitive social skills at an earlier age as well. Knowing this, wouldn’t one assume those of the female gender would then grow up to be more successful in the business world? Most every working environment is male dominated, so where does something change? Do young men suddenly receive a burst of business smarts along with puberty?

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Why it’s time to re-think the brand of “me”

| March 22, 2012 | Comments (0)
Why it’s time to re-think the brand of “me”

While entrepreneurs learn the value of branding quite quickly, it’s those working in a corporate environment, where too many profess to the same skill set, that the need for it becomes rapidly apparent.

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Want financial independence? Keep talking about money

| March 15, 2012 | Comments (0)
Want financial independence? Keep talking about money

I often wonder what role our ambivalent feeling toward money plays in the wider discussion of the wage gap. It seems obvious to say that we need money to survive so don’t forget to get paid for a job well done. Then how come many of us struggle to talk about it?

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