Top 50 Women to Watch in Tech – Part IV

| November 2, 2011 | Comments (5)

The fourth instalment of the Top 50 Women to Watch in Tech. The list is purely alphabetical. Here is a link to the first 10, the second ten and the third ten. Once again, this feat could not have been accomplished without our fabulous judges, Whitney Johnson , John Paul Aguiar and Mathew Ingram who unselfishly offered their time because they believed in the importance of highlighting these women. Please thank them by following them on Twitter, if you don’t already.

31. Amber Reyngoudt – Stereotype Buster 

Amber is an entrepreneur and engineer. Last year, she co-founded Skull Ninja, (@skul;_ninja) a social web incubator and early this year she joined a new startup, Milk Inc. , which develops iOS apps. Her first app with Milk, called , is about to go live. Prior to her startup life, Amber had a healthy career as a software engineer and manager within larger corporations, such as MySpace, Hitachi, Intel, and Nortel.


Adria  is a consultant who works with businesses to help them leverage their use of technology. She also creates and delivers educational workshops to organizations and  blogs about her experiences in tech at .  She has presented at several conferences on technology and social media including SXSW, Web 2.0 Expo, BlogHer, The Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference and more.  She is based in San Francisco.


Jill , is the creator of , a collective of meetups for mom entrepreneurs.  In two years The Founding Moms has gone from 40 moms in Oak Park, IL to 1,750+ mom entrepreneur members in 28 cities around the globe, including cities in Canada and Australia.


34. Pattie Simone – Aspiring Captain 

Pattie @PattieSimone is an online entrepreneur, new media marketer, journalist and a women’s business success advocate. Her latest venture - , a global online directory and future productivity app developer for women – is taking on the existing male-dominated dot com career/business resources, to provide a more intuitive connection platform for 50 million women professionals, entrepreneurs, speakers, authors and experts. She is in her first round of fundraising for $350,000 – 1.5 million, to scale this venture with needed geek power and a “cracker jack & jill” team.

35. Veronica Sonsev – Unsung Hero

Veronika is the CEO and Founder of , a referral marketing and analytics platform for ecommerce. In her 12-year career as an Internet executive for AOL and Jumptap, Veronika built new business lines, developed strategic partnerships and launched international markets. Most recently, Veronika was the VP of Business Development at Jumptap. She is also the Founder of Women in Wireless, a non-profit empowering and developing female leaders in mobile and digital media. Veronika blogs about her startup experience at

36. Rachel Sterne – Game Changer

Rachel is the first Chief Digital Officer at NYC Digital, a role established by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) Commissioner Katherine Oliver, with the goal of improving communication with residents and businesses by enhancing government transparency and working closely with digital media.



Maria is a pioneer and business leader in the consumer Internet world.  She is the former CEO of Etsy, long-time SVP & GM of NPR Digital and early product leader at .  In 2010, Maria formed Axios Ventures to help entrepreneurs and legacy organizations alike crystallize ideas and build foundations to support lasting businesses.  She is currently advising several led start-ups, including PopVoxSamasourceBetter LessonFlat world Knowledge, and .  Maria also serves on the Board of MIT’s OpenCourseware Initiative and the Cherie Blair Foundation’s Mobile Initiative.


38. Alexis Tryon – Game Changer 

Alexis is the co-founder and CEO of Artsicle, a site to discover your taste in art & enjoy original artwork in your home. Alexis previously worked in business planning & marketing for the Global Merchant Services division of American Express. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s communications studies program at the Annenberg School, with an additional focus in Art History & experience in marketing, research, and communications theory.

39. Joanne McNeil – Unsung Hero 

As editor of Rhizome, Joanne links the tech scene to the art world while covering issues like digital preservation, copyright policy, augmented reality, gaming, and the future of publishing. Her writing on digital culture has appeared in publications like The Boston Globe and N+1.

40. Kathryn Minshew – Authoritative Voices 

Kathryn () is the co-founder and CEO of The Daily Muse, a rapidly growing community for smart, driven women around career-focused content, job opportunities and professional development. Prior to founding the company, Kathryn led Rwanda’s national plan for HPV vaccine introduction and worked at McKinsey & Company.

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Category: Career Girl, Women in the World

About Femmeonomics: Professional woman, media maven, entrepreneur, visionary, coffee addict and klutz. View author profile.

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  1. Riot Nrrrd™ (@CLK55) says:

    First off, I love seeing my friend Amber in this list! Well deserved, Amber!

    That said, I must also point out that this list should be named “Top 50 US Women in Tech” – where are the non-American women?

    For example, my friend Sharon in Australia is one of the most extraordinary women I’ve ever met, and unlike several of the women you list (writing for GigaOm? C’mon), she does actual tech:

    I hope you will consider expanding your search horizons next time you run this sort of feature.

  2. says:

    Thanks and good point. We do have non-Americans on the list but not many. Truthfully, we didn’t get many nominations for women outside the U.S. and you need to be nominated to be considered. We were even cool with self-nominations. If you read the first post on this, you’ll see that there were different types of women we were looking for, including ones that write about tech. Suggest you nominate Sharon next time:)

  3. says:

    [...] Jill Salzman, author and the Original Founding Mom, started The Founding Moms in Oak Park Illinois, and it is now, the world’s first and only kid-friendly collective of monthly meetups for mom entrepreneurs.  Jill’s TED talk, Why Moms Make The Best Entrepreneurs, has received rave reviews and she was recently named one of the Top 50 Women To Watch In Tech. [...]

  4. says:

    mortgage calculator…

    Top 50 Women to Watch in Tech – Part IV |…

  5. [...] Moms Make The Best Entrepreneurs, received rave reviews.  She was recently named one of the Top 50 Women To Watch In Tech.  Jill’s been profiled in several books: The Solopreneur Life: 42 Solo-Business Owners Speak [...]